The physical body is made up of cells, which are made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of electrons….
Every time you bother me with whether you can (the example is figurative) eat olives and exactly how many, in addition to making me angry, you also make me ambitious to write ...
The explanation is difficult because it is complex and at a level incomprehensible to most people, and especially those who are face to face with "the worst"!!! I want to remind you that the fear of coming face to face with 'the worst' is ingrained in your DNA, in your neurology, as well as in your repeating 'history' ( read here ) ... do you remember your grandmother's stories about caraconjuli and similar !!!! Along with their immense love for you, your grandmothers also passed on to you centuries-old fears that teach you to fear the dark corners of the house you live in ..... Your body is also a house you are afraid to live in ... because others who think well of you have put you in this position !!!!
The explanation is difficult because everyone is conditioned to think about health in a way suggested to them by the media, whether they are newspapers, magazines, TV programs ..... or various gurus who have many abilities .... However, here we are talking about your abilities. ... for what makes you independent (I know for some it's a scourge) ...
If we take a giant microscope and look at the human body, we will see that it rotates, lives, overflows with energy and changes at the astonishing rate of several million times per second ... So, from this point of view, your body is not what you think about him…
By understanding and applying the above, it is understood that it is possible to restore health and restore youth (regarding degenerative diseases) and this process begins with physical work at the cellular level.
First we have to clean out all the garbage that has built up over the years in and around all the cells ( to understand, read about it here ), then we have to restore a brand new physical experience, and then simply maintain this extraordinary Factory - Physical Body, the purpose of which is to produce Life... In fact, the body at the cellular level is simultaneously an electric company, a chemical factory, a transportation network, a communication network, a food web, a waste disposal facility, a hospital and... a battlefield, all in one package...
Bodies contain trillions of cells organized into more than 200 major types. At any given moment, each cell is doing thousands of routine tasks, such as creating and using energy, producing and modifying DNA and associated active DNA bonds, and responding to environmental cues!!!! (Thus one becomes one's environment). Different types of cells also have special duties, such as building skin, brain or bone, pumping out hormones or making antibodies, etc.
Regardless of the physiological duties of the body, the New Cell Program breaks down the living organism (the human body) to its smallest component: the cell and, applying universal biological principles, provides an optimal environment for the reproduction and flourishing of cells, thus promoting the ticking of the biological clock in the opposite direction of aging and disease...
Here is an AMAZING fact about your cells (explained not to a college audience, but to the biology capacity of the average reader): Each cell is a mini battery, it has a negative and a positive charge. The positive is outside the cell and the negative inside. "Each" cell has a charge of 1.4 volts !!!!! To produce and use this electrical charge, each cell needs a suitable environment...
The human body is not anatomy, but ..... an electrical plant, the supply of energy to which depends on its environment: water is the best conductor / conductor of electricity, and therefore do not forget that water is present inside and around your cells, making her a conductor of electricity !!!! (however, quality and quantity are another topic) ..... ( see here ) ...
By manipulating the conductivity of electricity inside and outside the cell, you can truly turn your body into the absolutely perfect bio machine it should be....and there you will find true health and other things most people only dream of. ..
