I want to talk about where we get our energy from? It is obvious that we get a lot of energy from food, but I will introduce the idea that we also get additional energy from light.
Why am I raising this question? ... Because I want to see together the process that nature uses to supply energy ... through light !!!
Every cellular organism/mechanism synthesizes some form of light and converts it into chemical energy. This chemical energy drives everything a cellular organism does - metabolism, growth... you name it. And all this function is carried out by water ... and light.
Water reacts to light and splits into positive and negative ions. This is the first stage of photosynthesis, and I repeat, it is powered by light. So you can say that the light creates a kind of battery with plus and minus. The question is, do we use light to create energy in our cells….
Here I will try to show you that we actually do. A natural process in the first step of photosynthesis is the splitting of water into negative and positive ions. And so:
Everyone knows that the body consists mostly of water.
When water encounters certain hydrophilic or water-loving materials, it spreads over the surface instead of breaking up, as for example on a metal surface which is a non-water-loving medium. The water molecules are then separated into positive and negative, with the negative lining up linearly next to the hydrophilic material, and this is negatively charged water. They actually turn into a different phase of the water that is standing inside the cell, and the positively charged molecules are taken out of the cell
This water isn't even H20, it's actually... H302. It is the fourth phase of water, which is beyond the solid, liquid, or vapor state of water. This fourth phase is semi-crystalline water, and it sits in the… let's call it the exclusion zone.
What is an exclusion zone? An exclusion zone means that when this phase of water accumulates, it pushes out whatever is inside the water - solids, particles, whatever. So basically this 'pushing' of energy works exactly on the principle of any battery. And all batteries, of course, must be charged.
The question is where does the energy come from to charge the battery?
The answer comes when we do experiments that go beyond what is described in the textbooks, then really interesting things come to light: When a hydrophilic material is placed near water, and illuminated with a light source, something truly amazing happens: due to the illumination, the exclusion zone is expanding, and extremely so.
And when the light source is removed, it returns to its original form, which is a thin strip of negative water molecules that runs parallel to the surface: the light is responsible for the photons that are responsible for providing the energy to grow the area in question on shutdown.
When we experiment with different wavelengths of light, ranging from ultraviolet to infrared light, we find that infrared light is the most effective. Infrared light is actually everywhere. It's hard to get rid of it.
It's free energy…literally free. It doesn't cost a penny. She is there, everywhere.
So this function, this light-induced charge separation is also used by the body/cells to obtain electrical energy from the interaction of light and water.
So: just as water behaves like a battery powered by light, your cells work the same way... like a battery powered by light.
Let's now think about the cell and what's inside it using the above model: Inside the cell are large macromolecules, mostly proteins, and these proteins have hydrophilic surfaces. And of course, there's water in the cage...lots of water. So … what happens is that exclusion zones are created in the cells that produce water that has a negative charge, the H302 in question
The positive charges are 'pushed' out of the cell, so in effect the negative charges practically fill the cell...and there the negative charges are close together and thus repel each other, this repulsive tendency being the potential energy. This potential energy is released in the form of misfolded proteins. They have an initial configuration that performs a specific function and then returns to its original position.
For example, if it is a muscle cell, proteins that are in one configuration will move to another. And it is this that is responsible for the contraction of the muscle cells, which allows you to jump for example ... but no less important is the process of returning them to their original shape/configuration.
And again: the way this process works is as follows: the typical protein in its elongated form creates and floats in water, which, according to the mechanisms described above, changes its state ... the correct process is a correct biochemical "metamorphosis" of water, where the correct configuration of 'ordinary' water and negative/structured water allows protein, which is a basic building block in the human body, to 'fold' and mostly then return to its original position. At this point, it is known in academia that 'misfolded proteins' are the cause of disease, and all of them are caused by a lack of proper energy!!! So it is important to use the biochemistry of cells to not only "fold" but also "unfold"!!!!
Let's go back to the cell:
If it has no 'negative' water, or a little negative water created by the exclusion zones, it functions, but not well and definitely not at full capacity (that's the life of 98% of the Earth's population).
Additional: Inside the cell there are structures called mitochondria/membranes which are known as the energy factory of the cell and are the powerhouses for energy production ….. How does this play into the background of what I have presented so far? These membranes/mitochondria inside the cell are hydrophilic surfaces !!!!!
The above is the ideal configuration for building negatively charged water (through the exclusion zone) and providing it to the rest of the cell for energy. So where do we get energy from? Well, we get it from food, and obviously we can get quite a bit of energy under certain circumstances, but we also get it from light, and light is absorbed by water.
Light is important for functioning and therefore for health. Water is important for the functioning and therefore the health of cells.
And so …. what builds 'negative' water in your cells?
What should we do? To begin with: know your possibilities that have been gifted to you ... the mechanism is inside you !!! What should we do? On the model you are currently on, not much....
Minimum? Seek the sun in reasonable measures and don't wrap yourself in the widely recommended creams to protect against the sun's harmful rays.
Furthermore? Well... wedge wedge breaks out and so it is necessary to 'repair' the folded proteins in the body so that they can be elastic again and regain their ability to return to their unfolded form...
